GivrWay is a Digital Donations and Payments company that wants to do more good. They decide that they want to add a social innovation aspect to their business model. Scrolling through the master resource of Google, they land on a catchy, affordable, and promising method card deck called Methodly.
Nowadays, everything seems to be about more. More money. More time efficiency. More ideas. More quality. Even more fries with your meal. Naturally, your company wants to do more and Methodly has your back. Social innovation is the best way to do more while making a positive impact.
You see an issue and want to find a solution. Now there are decisions to make. Do you want to start a nonprofit? A for profit business? Do you get the government involved? There are endless ways to go about starting your purpose driven venture.
Social innovation is one of the fastest growing fields today. Social innovation companies use a hybrid business model that makes money off of solving world problems. Another great model to consider is incorporating social innovation into an existing business model.
You just came up with the perfect idea. You turn it over in your head for weeks, talk to your friends, do a little research, and decide to go for it. You seek counsel from the all-knowing Google.
‘How to start a business’ and come across a plethora of resources; everything from books to online courses promising to be the only thing you’re missing on your quest.