Starting a purpose driven venture
You see an issue and want to find a solution. Now there are decisions to make. Do you want to start a nonprofit? A for profit business? Do you get the government involved? There are endless ways to go about starting your purpose driven venture.
Methodly is here to guide you through your own decision making process to make your vision a reality.
The process can be broken down into four steps: Purpose, Co-design, Co-create, and Impact. Methodly is designed to guide you through the process of making an innovation come to life while keeping the reins in your hands. After-all, it is your method, not anyone else’s.
Every purpose-driven venture needs to have a purpose; a clear, defined, and measurable purpose that will be the backbone of everything else that the venture does.
Next is co-design. It is instrumental in any purpose driven venture to be designed with the input of the people who will be affected.
After that comes co-create where the venture’s actions are still centered around the concerns of those affected.
Lastly, impact. Impact should be measured to ensure that the venture is fulfilling its purpose.
Methodly is here to make positive change simple. Find your method with Methodly.